

Section 1: Personal Particulars

Leung Lai Han
University of Macau
UMAC-Faculty of Health Sciences

Research Project provided for Macao Youth Scholars Program:

Investigation of the role and mechanism of gut microbial-mediated neurotransmitter signaling on cancer immunomodulation
1001 基础医学
0202 应用经济学,0702 物理学,0703 化学,0704 天文学,0705 地理学,0707 海洋科学,0708 地球物理学,0709 地质学,0713 生态学,0802 机械工程,0803 光学工程,0805 材料科学与工程,0807 动力工程及工程热物理,0808 电气工程,0809 电子科学与技术,0810 信息与通信工程,0811 控制科学与工程,0814 土木工程,0827 核科学与技术,0831 生物医学工程,1001 基础医学,1004 公共卫生与预防医学,1007 药学,1008 中药学
Life science, pharmacology, molecular biology background
She was recently awarded with the 2020 Young Qihuang Scholar of the “Tens of millions" talent project of the People Republic of China. In 2014 and 2018, she won the first prize of the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education (the fifth ranking position), and the 2018 NSFC-Hong Kong and Macao Scholars Cooperative Research Fund (Overseas outstanding youth). In 2013, she won the Bank of China (Macau) Academic Research Excellence Award, and the second prize of the Macao Science and Technology Natural Science Award (the forth ranking position) in 2014 in Macau.

Section 2: Research Interests and Grants

Dr. Elaine Leung is currently Professor at the Faculty of Health Science, University of Macau. She was recently awarded with the 2020 Young Qihuang Scholar of the “Tens of millions" talent project of the People Republic of China. In the past ten years, she has established strong and long-term collaboration with mainland and oversea institutes, and is appointed as Adjunct Professors of several mainland hospitals and consultant of one of the world-class pharmaceutical company. Her main research direction is about the investigation of Traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) for the treatment of lung cancer, particularly on the holistic modulation function of TCMs. She is also interested in applying multi-omics technologies for precision oncology. Her research results were published in Nature(outlook), Gut, JAMA Oncology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Briefing in Bioinformatics, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, Engineering, Pharmacological Research etc.